Saturday, June 1, 2024

Colour Therapy for Different Diseases


Table of Content:-

Colour Therapy for Different Diseases
Inner Disturbance and Overheated Conditions
Transmitting Colours to the Human System
Charging Water or Sugar with Colours
Irradiation Time for Different Substances
Impact of Dark-Coloured Walls
Living in Rooms with White Walls
Influence of Colour on Health
Using Coloured Filtered Glasses
Colour as a Divine Force and Food
The Divine Nature of Colour Healing
Establishing Poise and Harmony with Colour
Psychological Influence of Colours
Treatment through colours
Conclusion and much more

Colour Therapy for Different Diseases: Harnessing the Power of Chromo pathy

In today's fast-paced world, more and more people are turning to nature herself for health cures. The popularity of natural modes of living is on the rise, as individuals seek alternatives to the conventional approach of drugs and medicines. This trend underscores a growing preference for holistic health practices that harmonize with the body's natural rhythms. One such practice gaining traction is colour therapy, also known as Chromo pathy.

Chromo pathy offers a system of natural cure without the help of any chemicals or drugs. It is based on the premise that the human body is built up of cells, which, when in balance, maintain health and vitality. However, when this balance is disrupted, disease arises. The unique aspect of colour therapy lies in its ability to restore this balance through the use of colours, each possessing specific healing properties.

Colours have long been believed to possess the power to supply deficiencies in the body's makeup and restore equilibrium. For instance, red is considered a stimulating colour that can increase energy and circulation, making it beneficial for individuals suffering from fatigue or circulatory issues. Blue, on the other hand, is known for its calming properties, making it effective in treating conditions related to stress and anxiety. Similarly, yellow is associated with stimulating the digestive system and enhancing mental clarity, while green is seen as a balancing colour that promotes overall healing and harmony.

The practice of Chromo pathy involves exposing the body to these colours through various methods such as coloured light exposure, coloured water therapy, and visualizing colours. By integrating these methods into daily life, individuals can potentially address specific health issues without resorting to pharmaceutical interventions. This natural approach not only aligns with the body's intrinsic healing capabilities but also resonates with the growing inclination towards sustainable and non-invasive health practices.

In summary, colour therapy presents a promising natural alternative for restoring health by utilizing the inherent power of colours to correct bodily imbalances. As the trend towards natural living continues to grow, the ancient wisdom of Chromo pathy is being rediscovered and embraced as a viable option for achieving and maintaining health in a harmonious and holistic manner.

Inner Disturbance and Overheated Conditions

Inner disturbances in the body often manifest as overheated conditions in the system. These imbalances can lead to various health issues, which colour therapy aims to address by restoring the body's natural equilibrium through targeted colour exposure.

Transmitting Colours to the Human System

Each colour can be effectively transmitted to the human system through different mediums. This transmission allows the body to absorb the specific energy and healing properties associated with each colour, facilitating natural healing processes.

Charging Water or Sugar with Colours

One method of colour therapy involves charging water or sugar by placing them in coloured bottles. This process infuses the substance with the desired colour's energy, making it a potent medium for treatment.

Irradiation Time for Different Substances

The time required for irradiation, or exposure to coloured light, differs depending on the substance being charged. Different materials absorb and retain colour energy at varying rates, necessitating specific durations for effective treatment.

Internal Use of Sugar

In colour therapy, sugar that has been irradiated with colour energy is used internally. This method allows the body to directly benefit from the therapeutic properties of the charged sugar.

Dosage of Irradiated Sugar and Water

The standard dosage for irradiated sugar and water in colour therapy is typically one ounce, taken twice a day. This regimen helps ensure consistent and effective absorption of the therapeutic colours.

Impact of Dark-Coloured Walls

When light enters a room with dark-coloured walls, it affects the room's energy and the occupants' well-being. Dark colours can absorb light and create a less vibrant atmosphere, potentially impacting mood and health.

Living in Rooms with White Walls

Conversely, living in a room with white walls can have a positive impact on health. White walls reflect more light, creating a brighter and more uplifting environment that can enhance overall well-being.

Using Coloured Filtered Glasses

In some cases, sunlight can be filtered through coloured glasses placed between the patient and the sun. This method allows the patient to receive specific colour energies directly from natural sunlight, enhancing the therapeutic effect.

Influence of Colour on Health

Colour has a profound influence on health, affecting both physical and psychological well-being. By understanding and harnessing the power of colour, we can promote healing and achieve a balanced state of health.

Using Coloured Filtered Glasses

Chromotherapy, or colour healing, is a divine science that uses colours to treat various diseases. This holistic approach leverages the inherent properties of colours to restore health and vitality.

The Divine Nature of Colour Healing

Colour healing is considered a divine science. It taps into the natural energies of colours, which are seen as a divine force, to provide comfort and service to mankind.

Colour as a Treatment for Disease

Using colour as a treatment for disease involves applying specific colours to correct imbalances in the body. This practice can alleviate symptoms and promote recovery without the use of chemical drugs.

Living Long Through Colour

Embracing colour therapy can contribute to a longer, healthier life. By serving through colour, individuals can maintain their well-being and enhance their quality of life.

Colour as a Divine Force and Food

Colour is not just a visual phenomenon; it is a divine force and can be considered as a form of food for the body and soul. This perspective highlights the nourishing and sustaining properties of colours.

The Sun as the Source of Colour

Colours are born of sun power. The sun's rays generate the spectrum of colours, each with unique properties that can be harnessed for healing purposes.

Comfort and Service through Colour

Colour offers its comforts and services to man by creating environments that promote health and well-being. Different colours can soothe, stimulate, or balance the body and mind.

Light and Colour as Actual Substances

Light and colour are not just abstract concepts; they are actual substances that interact with the body. This interaction can have tangible effects on health and mood.

Colour's Influence on Health

Colours exercise a great influence on your health. They can stimulate healing processes, reduce stress, and enhance overall vitality.

Establishing Poise and Harmony with Colour

Colour helps establish poise and harmony within the body. It soothes the mind, sustains the spirit, and brings balance to the body's systems.

Psychological Influence of Colours

There is a psychological influence of colours due to their associations. Different colours can evoke various emotional responses, which can impact mental health and well-being.

Reflection and Absorption of Light Rays

Light rays are totally reflected by white surfaces and totally absorbed by dark ones. This principle underlies the impact of colour on environments and, consequently, on the health of individuals within those environments.

Treatment Through Colours

Colour therapy, or Chromo pathy, uses specific colours to treat various diseases. Each colour has unique properties that can help alleviate specific conditions. Here’s how different colours can be used for treatment, the diseases they target, the foods that provide these colours, and the precautions to take.


Diseases Treated: Fatigue, anemia, low blood pressure, and poor circulation.

Foods: Tomatoes, red peppers, beets, strawberries, and cherries.

How to Use:

Wear red clothing or accessories.

Use red light bulbs or filters in lamps.

Drink water that has been charged in red glass bottles.

Precautions: Red can be overstimulating. Avoid excessive exposure if you have hypertension or are prone to anxiety.


Diseases Treated: Digestive issues, cramps, muscle spasms, and kidney problems.

Foods: Carrots, oranges, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and apricots.

How to Use:

Incorporate orange décor in your home.

Use orange essential oils in aromatherapy.

Drink water charged in orange glass bottles.

Precautions: Excessive use of orange can lead to restlessness or hyperactivity. Use in moderation.


Diseases Treated: Indigestion, liver problems, diabetes, and skin issues.

Foods: Lemons, corn, yellow peppers, bananas, and pineapples.

How to Use:

Wear yellow clothing.

Use yellow light therapy.

Drink water charged in yellow glass bottles.

Precautions: Yellow can be overwhelming. Avoid in cases of acute inflammation or fever.


Diseases Treated: Stress, anxiety, heart conditions, and immune system disorders.

Foods: Spinach, broccoli, kale, peas, and green apples.

How to Use:

Spend time in nature or in rooms painted green.

Use green light therapy.

Drink water charged in green glass bottles.

Precautions: Generally safe, but too much green might lead to stagnation or lethargy.


Diseases Treated: High blood pressure, insomnia, migraine, and throat issues.

Foods: Blueberries, plums, grapes, and eggplants.

How to Use:

Wear blue clothing.

Use blue light therapy, especially in the evening.

Drink water charged in blue glass bottles.

Precautions: Excessive use of blue can lead to feelings of sadness or depression. Balance with warm colours.


Diseases Treated: Eye problems, sinus issues, and mental stress.

Foods: Figs, blackberries, dark grapes, and prunes.

How to Use:

Wear indigo clothing or accessories.

Use indigo light therapy.

Drink water charged in indigo glass bottles.

Precautions: Too much indigo can be too sedative. Use sparingly, especially if feeling depressed.


Diseases Treated: Nervous disorders, scalp conditions, and migraines.

Foods: Purple cabbage, purple carrots, and blackberries.

How to Use:

Incorporate violet in your living space.

Use violet light therapy.

Drink water charged in violet glass bottles.

Precautions: Violet can be too calming and may lead to a lack of motivation if overused. Balance with stimulating colours like red or orange.

By incorporating these colours into your life through clothing, light therapy, and diet, you can harness their healing properties while maintaining balance and health. Always be mindful of the potential overstimulation or sedative effects each colour can have, and adjust your use accordingly.

Key Takeaways on Chromo pathy

Natural Healing Method: Chromo pathy, or colour therapy, uses colours to restore health and balance in the body without relying on chemical drugs.

Specific Colours for Specific Conditions: Each colour has unique properties that target specific diseases and ailments. For example, red stimulates circulation, while blue calms and reduces stress.

Colour Sources: Colours can be absorbed through food, light therapy, and environmental exposure. Foods rich in specific colours can enhance the therapeutic effects.

Versatile Applications: Colour therapy can be applied through wearing coloured clothing, using coloured lights, drinking water charged with coloured light, and incorporating colours into living spaces.

Precautions: While beneficial, excessive exposure to certain colours can have negative effects. It is important to use colour therapy in moderation and balance it with other colours to avoid overstimulation or excessive sedation.

Holistic Approach: Chromo pathy aligns with the body's natural healing processes and is part of a broader trend towards holistic and natural health practices.

Frequently Asked Questions on Chromo pathy

1. What is Chromo pathy? Chromo pathy, also known as colour therapy, is a natural healing method that uses the energy of colours to treat various physical and psychological conditions.

2. How does Chromo pathy work? Chromo pathy works by restoring balance in the body through exposure to specific colours. Each colour has unique properties that can correct imbalances and promote healing.

3. Which colours are used in Chromopathy and for what conditions?

Red: Fatigue, anemia, poor circulation.

Orange: Digestive issues, cramps, kidney problems.

Yellow: Indigestion, liver problems, skin issues.

Green: Stress, heart conditions, immune disorders.

Blue: High blood pressure, insomnia, migraines.

Indigo: Eye problems, sinus issues, mental stress.

Violet: Nervous disorders, scalp conditions, migraines.

4. How can colours be applied for therapeutic purposes? Colours can be applied through:

Wearing coloured clothing or accessories.

Using coloured light bulbs or filters in lamps.

Drinking water charged in coloured glass bottles.

Incorporating coloured décor in living spaces.

5. Can colour therapy replace conventional medicine? Colour therapy is a complementary treatment and should not replace conventional medicine. It can be used alongside traditional treatments to enhance overall health and well-being.

6. Are there any side effects to using colour therapy? While generally safe, excessive use of certain colours can lead to overstimulation or sedation. It's important to use colours in moderation and maintain a balance to avoid negative effects.

7. How long does it take to see results from colour therapy? The time required to see results can vary depending on the individual and the condition being treated. Consistent application of colour therapy is recommended for the best outcomes.

8. Can I use colour therapy at home? Yes, colour therapy can be easily integrated into your daily life at home through simple methods like wearing coloured clothing, using coloured lights, and consuming colourful foods.

9. Is colour therapy scientifically proven? While there is anecdotal evidence and some scientific studies supporting the benefits of colour therapy, more research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness and mechanisms.

10. Who can benefit from Chromo pathy? Anyone can benefit from colour therapy, especially those looking for natural and holistic approaches to health and well-being. It is particularly useful for individuals seeking to enhance their mental and emotional health.

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